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BOUNCE FLASH! how and why it’s the most critical skill to develop

Whenever people bring up the fear of technology eroding what we do as photographers I think about how bounce flash is the ace in my pocket.

Obviously, using flash is one of the most important tools you can develop as a photographer. As cameras improve exponentially there is one thing that will take at least another decade or so for technology to catch up to… and that’s rendering control of light in post production. Eventually there will come a time to insert any photograph and be able to change the light to whatever you want after the fact (the tech to do this has existed for years, but eventually it’ll be actually be useable).

But for now… no matter how excellent cell phone cameras become… no matter how great screen grabs from high res videography look… one thing is required for excellent light in most venues… and that’s bounce flash.

This full post is available on my Patreon feed.